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For Families

Set your kids up to thrive in a changing world – free of gender constraints.

As parents, we want what’s best for our kids. We try to help them effectively navigate the world they live in. How we equip them to understand and address gender has lifelong implications — personally, professionally, and financially — and has a tremendous impact on their ability to live their authentic life.

This can be challenging. You’re not alone if gender is a subject you’d rather avoid discussing with your child. The gendered world that our kids are growing up in can look very different from the one we knew as children. There’s new language to learn, new ideas to explore. While much is new, some of the old challenges remain. Pink and blue toy and clothing aisles are increasingly becoming a thing of the past, but kids today are still bombarded with gender-limiting messages. These constructions of gender not only affect them now, they can and often do negatively limit them throughout their lives.

Whether it’s economic research demonstrating the lifetime financial impact that sexism has on a girl, changing language for gender identities, or how to help your boy manage evolving understandings of masculinity, your understanding of gender matters.

How Reimagine Gender Can Help

Reimagine Gender offers education and training on gender for parents and other family members, collaboration and partnership on program development for children and youth and creates gender-inclusive programs that help all youth see the possibilities of living a life free of gendered constraints. Please subscribe to our newsletter to hear about upcoming virtual events, or reach out if you’re interested in learning more about our services. We’re here to help. If you’re interested in matters specifically related to gender-diverse children and youth, please check out Gender Spectrum — they have terrific information, services and support for families and the gender-diverse kids they love.

If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”

Maya Angelou